Blood and Gold

Blood and Gold
Роман, повесть
Язык: английский
Год: 2003
Издатель: Signet
ISBN: 9780451212672
Добавил: Admin 15 Ноя 22
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An inexperienced cowpuncher with a solid work ethic, Dusty Hannah has earned the respect of his boss. Entrusted with $30,000 of the cattle rancher's gold, he must take the fortune across Texas's Red River by way of Indian territory, where the Apaches still reign. But the Apaches are the least of Dusty's concerns once word of the money reaches the ears of every desperado in the Southwest. Saddled with the gold, and suddenly responsible for protecting a father and daughter lost in hostile country, Dusty has to keep his wits about him and his aim steady if he hopes to see the trail's end.

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