
Современная русская и зарубежная проза
Язык: английский
Год: 1964
Издатель: Simon and Schuster
Город: New York
Добавил: Admin 6 Апр 23
Проверил: Admin 6 Апр 23
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Evan Hunter’s magnificent new novel is the story of a desperate journey of discovery-through a man’s past, through the byways of a great city, through the infinitely more complex labyrinths of the human psyche.
Its nameless protagonist wakes at sunrise in Central Park in New York City, faced with a terrifying riddle: Who am I? Completely without memory, as naked of self-knowledge as a newly born child, he ventures out into the city in search of self, tentatively at first, then with increasing boldness, finally with a headlong fierce compulsion to find and face whatever truth it is that has stripped him of his past.
As he approaches the explosive climax of his quest, the scenes shift in a kaleidoscopic succession of encounters and adventures, fragments of the intermingled past and present: Greenwich Village and the haunting echo from his past awakened by the girl who takes him in; Chinatown and the wild spree with a sailor on shore leave; the Italian all-night wedding feast; the scavenger hunt with the glossy rich woman on an emotional bender; Harlem and the incredibly tense high-stake crap game; the door slammed in his face... and, at the last twirl of the kaleidoscope, the final electrifying revelation.

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