The Rosie Effect [calibre 2.51.0]

The Rosie Effect [calibre 2.51.0]
Современная русская и зарубежная проза
Язык: английский
Год: 2014
Издатель: Text Publishing
ISBN: 9781925095104
Добавил: Admin 26 Июн 23
Проверил: Admin 26 Июн 23
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“The Rosie Effect” by Graeme Simsion continues his first book, “The Rosie Project”, which turned out to be a great success. The story about an Australian genetics professor Don Tillman with Asperger’s syndrome, who is looking for a wife (“the wife project”) and testing the candidates with his meticulously planned questionnaire, won the hearts of millions of people around the world. But Simsion didn’t plan to stop at it and wrote the second book, which holds a great surprise for the readers.

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