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The Riddle of Gender

The Riddle of Gender

Автор: Rudacille Deborah
Язык: английский
Год: 2005
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When Deborah Rudacille learned that a close friend had decided to transition from female to male, she felt compelled to understand why. Coming at the controversial subject of transsexualism from several angles–historical, sociological,...
The Siege

The Siege

Язык: английский
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Elly Park was a beautiful, golden-haired little girl who moved with unusual grape. As a baby she had been undemanding, and later she appeared totally absorbed in her own world. When she was three her parents learned that she was autistic. In...
The Wild Days. NLP 1972 to 1981

The Wild Days. NLP 1972 to 1981

Язык: английский
Год: 1989
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NLP: The Wild Days is a personal account of the historical development of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, its two key developers and significant others from the early days. Richard Bandler, one of the two key developers of NLP, has described...
The Woj Way. Как воспитать успешного человека
Детские образовательные, Психология

The Woj Way. Как воспитать успешного человека

Язык: русский
Год: 2019

Эстер Войджицки, или, как ее обычно называют, Woj, – человек-легенда. Она стала знаменитой благодаря трем обстоятельствам. Преподаванию в...