Elly Park was a beautiful, golden-haired little girl who moved with unusual grape. As a baby she had been undemanding, and later she appeared totally absorbed in her own world. When she was three her parents learned that she was autistic.
The meaning that any event has depends upon the «frame» in which we perceive it. When we change the frame, we change the meaning. Having two wild horses is a good thing until it is seen in the context of the son's broken leg. The broken leg seems...
Leonard Mlodinow, the best-selling author of The Drunkard’s Walk and coauthor of The Grand Design (with Stephen Hawking), gives us a startling and eye-opening examination of how the unconscious mind shapes our...
In ANNOYING: The Science of What Bugs Us, NPR science correspondent Joe Palca and Flora Lichtman, multimedia editor for NPR’s Science Friday, take readers on a scientific quest through psychology, evolutionary biology, anthropology, and other...