With kind permission of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Dharamsala.From Second Dharma Celebration, November 5th-8th 1982, New Delhi, India.Translated by Alex Berzin, clarified by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, edited by Nicholas...
Daring and original stories set in New Testament times, from a rising young Norwegian author
Lars Petter Sveen’s Children of God recounts the lives of people on the margins of the New Testament; thieves, Roman soldiers, prostitutes, lepers,...
As the twentieth century draws to a close, we find that the world has grown smaller and the world's people have become almost one community. Political and military alliances have created large multinational groups, industry and international...
Satan actually has a role to perform on Earth. He provides us with first-hand knowledge of how much authority can be granted to an angel in Heaven. God uses him to correct the folly of humankind, specifically when we are off track, pushing us...