An eye for an eye...
Ian McCandless is a hospice nurse, training to become a shaman. When his mentor orders him to make peace with his estranged family, Ian reluctantly agrees, anticipating just another conflict-filled visit. On their way from...
Race made a mistake when he walked away from Vin, the kind of mistake there's no fixing. But when he sees the old T-Bird on the sales lot, he starts to wonder… If he can convince Vin to help him, they could bring something beautiful back to life...
Jane has traveled the world with her father and brother, but it's not until her fractured family-still silently suffering from the loss of Jane's mother many years before-inherits a house and a history in Coney Island that she finally begins to...
On an alternate Earth, where the population is ninety percent female and a man is sold by his sisters to marry all the women in a family, Jerin Whistler is coming of age. His mothers are respected landed gentry, his grandfather a kidnapped...