This month brings the unforgettable conclusion to the epic saga in which the indomitable Slater brothers discover the importance of family ties, loyalty and love amidst the conflict and despair of the Civil...
Brody never forgot his first love, the one his pride made him lose. When the world dies almost overnight, he finds himself drawn back to his hometown and the love he left behind.
Hannah never thought the expression, ‘Not if you were the last man...
Fate isn’t something to mess with… and now, neither is Alex.
Alex has always feared two things: losing herself in the Awakening and being placed on the Elixir. But love has always been stronger than Fate, and Aiden St. Delphi is...
Abigail Rosen, nicknamed Appassionata, was the sexiest, most flamboyant violinist in classical music, but she was also the loneliest and the most exploited girl in the world. When a dramatic suicide attempt destroyed her violin career, she set...
When Emma dreams about super-famous rockstar Duncan and his friend Jake, it never occurs to her they might be dreaming, too. About her. Everyone knows dreams aren't real, but what will happen when the trio's shared visions develop into a passion...
Young Lady Helen was always getting into trouble, but her motives were always noble: she wanted only to help the deserving in matters of money, or affairs of the heart.
Unfortunately, one small fib added to another small fib soon resulted in...
She learned about love first... in the back seat of a car. Her second lesson came soon after, on autumn leaves no less fallen than she — and none more scarlet. From then on she had a—
BAD NAME... and the whole town whispered:
A — for...
Impetuosity is Arabella's only fault. An enchanting debutante and the eldest daughter of a country parson, she should know better than to allow herself to be provoked by Mr Beaumaris, the most eligible nonpareil of the...
New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh is back in the shadows of a deadly, beautiful world where angels rule, vampires serve, and one female hunter must crawl out of the darkness to survive...
The severed head marked by a distinctive...