Spying in High Heels

Spying in High Heels
Остросюжетные любовные романы
Автор: Halliday Gemma
Язык: английский
Год: 2006
Добавил: Admin 23 Июл 12
Проверил: Admin 23 Июл 12
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L.A. shoe designer, Maddie Springer, lives her life by three rules: Fashion. Fashion. Fashion. But when she stumbles upon the work of a brutal killer, her life takes an unexpected turn from Manolos to murder. And things only get worse when her boyfriend disappears-along with $20 million in embezzled funds-and her every move is suddenly under scrutiny by LAPD's sexiest cop. With the help of her post-menopausal bridezilla of a mother, a 300-pound psychic and one seriously oversexed best friend, Maddie finds herself stepping out of her stilettos and onto the trail of a murderer. But can she catch a killer before the killer catches up to her?

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