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Cabinet of Curiosities: My Notebooks, Collections, and Other Obsessions
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Cabinet of Curiosities: My Notebooks, Collections, and Other Obsessions

Язык: английский
Год: 2014
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Over the last two decades, writer-director Guillermo del Toro has mapped out a territory in the popular imagination that is uniquely his own, astonishing audiences with Cronos, Hellboy, Pan’s Labyrinth, and a host of other films and creative...
25 Movies to Mend a Broken Heart

25 Movies to Mend a Broken Heart

Автор: Ebert Roger
Язык: английский
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Ahh, love. It can be a many splendored thing, but it can also lead to the pain of a broken heart. For those experiencing such a sad eventuality, turn to this e-book only selection of Ebert's Essentials, and consider these reviews of movies to...