Из глубины глубин: Большая книга рассказов о морском змее. Cост. и коммент. А. Шермана (Большая книга). — Б. м.: Salamandra P.V.V., 2020. — 550 с., илл. —...
'No one from this time will ever see that girl again...'
The Doctor, Amy and Rory round off a sight-seeing tour round London with a trip to the theatre. That's when things start to go wrong.
The Doctor wonders why so many young girls are going...
Come to Larry Niven's Universe and meet all the natives: Thrints, Bandersnatchi, Puppeteers — and a host of other wonderfully created characters.
Visit Lookitthat, Down, and Jinx — indeed, an entire galaxy of planets found only in these...
There is a gala opening for a new exhibition at the Tate Modern - "The Tomorrow Windows." The concept behind the exhibition is simple - anyone can look through a Tomorrow Window and see into the future. Of course, the future is malleable, and so the...