The story, which Tenn described as having been inspired by the Korean War, portrays Earth as the battleground between two powerful alien races, the Troxxt and the Dendi, who repeatedly “liberate” it from each other. The Earth was nearly...
An alien starship is nearing Earth, but its inhabitants show no interest in communicating with humanity. The only invited visitor to their ship uncovers a shocking reason for the aliens’ lack of curiosity about...
A story about a quadriplegic writer paralyzed in a car accident that killed his wife, has continued writing—if not living—and suddenly he is faced with a possible cure… and it terrifies...
An alien being is found on an asteroid which gladly answers any question it is asked. But will it be for good or for bad for humanity to have every question readily...
A robot, like a computer, is a machine that follows the instructions it is given. But how is it to deal with something it doesn’t recognize or about which it has no instructions? If it is anything like the caretaker robot in W. R. Thompson’s...
From Robert Silverberg’s “Earthmen and Strangers” anthology, 1966:
The German word “gestalt” means “shape” or “pattern,” but it also has the sense of “group” or “formation.” The science-fictional concept of the gestalt mind...
From Robert Silverberg’s “Earthmen and Strangers” anthology, 1966:
Eric Frank Russell is a towering Englishman whose first science-fiction stories were published in 1937. In the decades since then he has written dozens of notable short...
From Robert Silverberg’s “Earthmen and Strangers” anthology, 1966:
Damon Knight is a slender, soft-spoken man with a deceptively mild smile. He seems gentle and relaxed, but behind the tranquil exterior there seethes a fiercely active...