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Язык: английский
Год: 1969
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Throughout history, man has been searching for better ways to gather information about his universe. But although they may have longed for it, not even the most brilliant minds could conceive of a device as infinitely powerful or as immeasurably...
Rogue Moon
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Rogue Moon

Язык: английский
Год: 1960
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The moon had finally been reached, and on it was found the most terrifying structure, that killed men over and over again, in torturous, unfathomable ways. Only a mad scientist and a suicidal maniac could explore it’s horrible secrets. The...
Man Plus
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Man Plus

Серия: man plus #1
Язык: английский
Год: 1976
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Ill luck made Roger Torraway the subject of the Man Plus Programe, but it was deliberate biological engineering which turned him into a monster — a machine perfectly adapted to survive on Mars. For according to computer predictions, Mars is...
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Язык: английский
Год: 1964
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The novel is set in the Northeastern United States some centuries after an atomic war ended high-technology civilization. The novel follows its title character, Davy (who grew up a ward of the state and thus has no last name) as he grows to...
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Язык: английский
Год: 1979
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The discovery of another habitable world might spell salvation to the three bitterly competing power blocs of the resource-starved 21st century; but when their representatives arrive on Jem, with its multiple intelligent species, they discover...
Iron Sunrise
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Iron Sunrise

Серия: Eschaton #2
Язык: английский
Год: 2004
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The sequel to the critically acclaimed Singularity Sky returns to the twenty-fourth-century interstellar domain humankind has forged through the godlike powers of the Eschaton, an enigmatic being from humanity’s distant future. Now, in an act of...