Time is set on Earth, the inner part of the Solar System and various other universes onwards from the 21st century. The novel covers a wide range of topics, including the Doomsday argument, Fermi paradox, genetic engineering, and humanity’s...
Transported to the Sky Steppe of Mars in the final, satisfying book in British author Baxter’s highly original Mammoth trilogy (Longtusk; Silverhair), his engaging wooly characters face an abandoned and potentially lethal terraforming experiment...
Meticulously researched, simply told and appropriate for readers of all ages, this second volume (after 1999’s Silverhair) in Baxter’s Mammoth trilogy brings to compelling life the complex culture of these giant creatures. It’s sixteen...
Isolated from the passage of time, a small colony of mammoths survives into the 20th century until their discovery by a group of shipwrecked sailors threatens their existence. Baxter combines well-researched details on the physical habits of...
In this weird little alternative history novella, acclaimed futurist Charles Stross takes the familiar clashes of the Cold War and stretches and warps them to fit a flattened Earth where the emergence of new continents incites competitive...
The future holds endless possibilities…
Here are 16 intriguing visions of tomorrow
Features stories by: Esther M. Friesner
Brenda Cooper
Kevin J. Anderson
P. R. Frost
Mike Resnick and James Patrick Kelly
Lisanne Norman
Dean Wesley Smith
An award-winning novel set in the post-apocalyptic future follows a young woman who travels the earth healing the sick with the help of her alien companion, the dreamsnake, pursued by two implacable followers. Nuclear war, biotechnology,...
Corporate life in early 21st-century America is even more ruthless than it was at the turn of the millennium. Lou Arrendale, well compensated for his remarkable pattern-recognition skills, enjoys his job and expects never to lose it. But he has a...