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Gate of Ivrel
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Gate of Ivrel

Автор: Cherryh C. J.
Серия: Chronicles of Morgaine #1
Язык: английский
Год: 1988
Статус: Закончена
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Scattered about the galaxy were the time-space Gates of a vanished but not forgotten alien race. In their time, long before the rise of the native civilizations, they had terrorized a hundred worlds—not from villainy but from folly, from tampering...
Wall of Shiuan
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Wall of Shiuan

Автор: Cherryh C. J.
Серия: Chronicles of Morgaine #2
Язык: английский
Статус: Закончена
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"The world of Shiuan was doomed. Rising waters and shattering earthquakes due to the coming of a vast and strange new satellite had sealed the fate of its peoples—flee or die with their world. Their sole escape routes were the Gates, the passages...
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Автор: Vercors Jean
Язык: английский
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From the return of Jimi Hendrix, as witnessed by a hero-worshipping spaced-out roadie, to the death of Christ as witnessed by a time-traveling tourist, from the end of the universe to the creation of a new one, these are stories about martyrdom,...
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Автор: Ryan Kevin
Серия: Roswell’’ #6
Язык: английский
Год: 2003
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TV Series Placement: Post-Season 3 / Few weeks after "A New Beginning"While traveling through Colorado, Liz sees a vision of Maria being chased through a large house. Needless to say, the van then mysteriously breaks down right in front...