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Inherit the Stars
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Inherit the Stars

Автор: Hogan James P.
Серия: Giants
Язык: английский
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The man on the moon was dead. They called him Charlie. He had big eyes, abundant body hair and fairly long nostrils. His skeletal body was found clad in a bright red spacesuit, hidden in a rocky grave. They didn't know who he was, how he got...
Giant's Star
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Giant's Star

Автор: Hogan James P.
Серия: Giants
Язык: английский
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In the 21st century, scientists Victor Hunt and Chris Danchekker, doing research on Ganymede, attract a small band of friendly aliens lost in time, who begin to reveal something of the origin of mankind. Finally, man thought he comprehended his...
Battlefield Earth
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Battlefield Earth

Автор: Hubbard L. Ron
Язык: английский
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This title is now better remembered for being transformed into one of the worst movies in history. Don't blame the book, however, which is well regarded in sf circles. This first-class adventure novel, which contains no trace of Hubbard's...