All eyes were watching the eclipse of the Moon when the Wanderer — a huge, garishly colored artificial world — emerged. Only a few scientists even suspected its presence, and then, suddenly and silently, it arrived, dwarfing and threatening...
Jacqueline Lichtenberg, author of the cult classic Sime-Gen series (“science fiction in the grand manner”-The New York Times Book Review), has become known for her complex worldbuilding and fiery characters. Those of My Blood is her most...
With Imperial Troops in hot pursuit, "Lady" Zavaronne, with her now trusted Dushau friend Jindigar and his friends of many species, crashes on a colonizable planet which the Dushau have kept secret from the Empire, against all Laws. She has forgiven...
Settled in safety on the Dushau's secret planet of refuge, among other refugee Dushau, "Lady" Zavaronne, the first human to link minds with the Dushau and survive, must attend the Dushau Jindigar's wedding, but the local Hive Mind creatures attack...
Laneff Farris ambrov Sat'htine, a renSime – an oddity in a Farris family – and worse yet, a disjunct renSime – will be presented by Mairis to give a speech about her research, heralding a New Era. She believes she can find the way to tell Sime...
Romeo and Juliet with a mutation instead of a family feud.Two children on the verge of adolescence, greatly in love with each other, discover the adult world that will tear them apart. Living in a Sime world, the young man grows up to...
The human race has mutated into Gens, who produce life force, and Simes, who must consume that life force in order to live. To keep from being killed, Gens murder Simes on sight.Into that world is born Zeth Farris, the son of Rimon Farris,...