In his “North Africa” trilogy Mack Reynolds argues that a future African continent abandoned by the rest of the world might achieve prosperity if it were unified and brought under the control of a benevolent dictator—here, African-American...
BLACKSTAR is an intriguing tale of Area 51, stranded visitors, cutting edge technology, and a megalomaniac General.
Fantastic things are going on at Groom Lake, things that defy our imagination. The greatest scientific minds of our day are...
In an instant and simultaneously, everyone forgets everything. Not just their names and the faces of their families but everything… how to operate cars and elevators and telephones and even how to talk. Against the backdrop of society rebuilding...
It is an impossible reality that anything could exist in the vacuum of space. There is nothing that anything could survive on; it is the absence of all things. Beyond the twinkling of a thousand million celestial bodies, past all the reaches of life...
From Robert Silverberg’s “Earthmen and Strangers” anthology, 1966:
The Budrys story depicts meek, peaceful alien beings, intelligent but simple. Now we meet a very different sort of creature: a ravenous beast out of nightmare, rippling...
“It was a time of pause, a time between planting and harvest when the air was heavy, humming with its own slow warm music.” So begins an extraordinary fantasy of the rural Midwest by a recent winner of the John W. Campbell, Jr., Award for best...
Two months since the stars fell...Two months since sixty-five thousand alien objects clenched around the Earth like a luminous fist, screaming to the heavens as the atmosphere burned them to ash. Two months since that moment of brief,...