This sequel to "2001: A Space Odyssey" answers the questions left by its predecessor. Captain Chandler investigates the lapse in HAL's sanity and the disappearance of Dave...
By the end of the 30th century humanity has the capability to travel the universe, to journey beyond earth and beyond the confines of the vulnerable human frame.The descendants of centuries of scientific, cultural and physical development divide...
For the first time, the complete collected short stories of the author of 'Empire of the Sun', 'Cocaine Nights' and 'Super-Cannes' -- regarded by many as Britain's No. 1 living fiction writer. With sixteen novels over four decades -- from 'The...
Thirty-one stories by the most distinguished creator of literary sf makes for a pretty indispensable volume. Of course, “The Fifth Head of Cerberus” and “The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories”—recognized as classics for many years...
Billions of planets may be ripe for life, even intelligence. So where is Everybody? Do civilizations make the same fatal mistakes, over and over? Might we be the first to cross the mine-field, evading every trap to learn the secret of...
Howard Waldrop’s latest astounding tale takes its inspiration from an earlier era. Indeed, he tells us, “Where I really want this story to appear is in Wonder Stories Quarterly, Spring 1930.” A new collection of Mr. Waldrop’s exceptional...
A spaceship wrecked on Earth in the prehistoric days of the Folsom Man was the bait that drew an American time team back into the past. Travis Fox, a modern Apache, came along to lend them his knowledge of the ways of his ancestors against the...