The movie, scheduled to be released in October, 2004, is being directed by Paul W.S. Anderson, a veteran of this genre (Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat, Soldier, Event Horizon, and Shopping. It also stars Lance Henriksen of X-Files, Millenium and...
Conrad Nomikos has a long, rich personal history that he'd rather not talk about. And, as Arts Commissioner, he's been given a job he'd rather not do. Escorting an alien grandee on a guided tour of the shattered remains of Earth is not something he...
When a Balkan beauty gets in trouble over some missing diamonds, whom else can she turn to but the world-famous Nero Wolfe? Especially since she claims to be Wolfe's long lost daughter! The stakes are suddenly raised when a student at this...
The thug ran his hand down the warm curve of her thigh, and it wasn’t until an impossibly strong hand gripped his arm that he realized the girl, was no girl at all. Still, if not for bad timing he might have left the room alive…
Major Harvey Alexander, Director Wildwood Atomic Power Plant—that was his title. But impressive as it sounded, the major knew it was nothing more than governmental putting-out-to-pasture. A former top-ranking Army Intelligence officer isn’t...
TV Series Placement: Post-Season 3STRENGTH IN NUMBERSBased on Liz's most recent vision, Max, Michael, Isabel, Maria, and Kyle determine that Isabel's fate awaits her in Los Angeles-the same place where their parents, captured by the FBI are being...