With a career spanning more that 50 years, Fritz Leiber was named Science Fiction Grand Master and easily won ever major award in fantasy and horror. His work has influenced generations of writers and fans. Yet, while his novels have been readily...
The entire Enemy Mine Series gathered in one volume: The Talman, Enemy Mine
(The expanded Nebula and Hugo Award winner that inspired the 20th Century Fox
motion picture starring Dennis Quid and Lou Gossett, Jr.), the novels...
A veteran of the Iraq war is appointed Under Secretary of Defense in order to penetrate a secret government purposely black-shelving zero-point-energy, a clean, abundant energy source reverse-engineered from downed UFOs.
Are Extraterrestrials...
Science can create many things, but only a troublemaking Mardu can introduce Erin to the wonders of love.
Rafe of Mardu has a problem. He's sent to baby-sit his troublesome older brother, and in the process finds himself kidnapped by a...
The distant and unloved colony world of Russalka has no land, only the raging sea. No clear skies, only the endless storm clouds. Beneath the waves, the people live in pressurised environments and take what they need from the boundless ocean. It...
Now, this is what I call space opera: huge ships exchanging any number of ravening beams of destruction, implacable alien menaces, doomsday weapons, plucky heroines and heroes fighting desperate odds.
Oh, yeah, this is the big time!