Juan Rico signed up with the Federal Service on a lark, but despite the hardships and rigorous training, he finds himself determined to make it as a cap trooper. In boot camp he will learn how to become a soldier, but when he graduates and war...
Koushun Takami’s notorious high-octane thriller is based on an irresistible premise: a class of junior high school students is taken to a deserted island where, as part of a ruthless authoritarian program, they are provided arms and forced to kill...
Daemon is an ambitious novel, which sets out not only to entertain, which it surely does, but also to challenge the reader to consider social issues as broad as the implications of living in a technologically advanced world and whether democracy can...
Author of the bestselling Dhalgren and winner of four Nebulas and one Hugo, Samuel R. Delany is one of the most acclaimed writers of speculative fiction.
Babel-17, winner of the Nebula Award for best novel of the year, is a fascinating...
The Indonesian Homo Floresiensis, a dwarf species of man, died out a scant twelve thousand years ago. But natives all across Indonesia tell stories of little people called Ebu Gogo, which bear a striking resemblance to Homo Floresiensis.
John Hobson, a geneticist, wakes one morning to find his watch stopped at 6.12. The streets are deserted, there are no signs of life or death anywhere, and every clock he finds has stopped: at 6.12. Is Hobson the last person left on the...
Meet Edinburgh Detective Inspector Liz Kavanaugh, head of the Innovative Crimes
Investigation Unit, otherwise known as the Rule 34 Squad. They monitor the
Internet for potential criminal activity, analyzing trends in the extreme
fringes of explicit...