Wizard World 1: Changeling

Wizard World 1: Changeling
Научная фантастика
Автор: Zelazny Roger
Серия: The Changeling Saga #1
Язык: английский
Страниц: 45
Добавил: Admin 12 Май 11
Проверил: Admin 12 Май 11
Формат:  FB2 (157 Kb)  EPUB (236 Kb)  MOBI (809 Kb)

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In Changeling, the people had long suffered under Det Morson's power. When at last, the wizard Mor joined the fight, Det and his infamous Rondoval castle were destroyed. But the victory was not complete, for the conquerors found a baby amidst the rubble: Det's son, Pol. Unwilling to kill the child, Mor took him to a world where the ways of magic were considered mere legends--a world called Earth.

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