Lamed and suddenly orphaned, Kira is mysteriously removed from
her squalid village to live in the palatial Council Edifice, where she
is expected to use her gifts as a weaver to do the bidding of the
Ob "GRUBLIGEI" (ganz klar: GRauenhaft Unbesiegbarer BLItzGEIst) oder SPUMIDUV (logisch: SPUk MIt DUnkler Vergangenheit) - vor den drei Gespensterjägern Hedwig Kümmelsaft, Tom Tomsky und Hugo müssen sich auch die...
With two prophecies fulfilled, Gregor is now focused on the Prophecy of Blood, which calls for Gregor and “the princess,” Boots, to return to the Underland to help ward off a plague. His mom agrees to let them go—on the condition that she...
Now, with the third prophecy fulfilled Gregor is drawn into a crisis. For generations, rats have run the mice—or "nibblers"—out of whatever lands they’ve claimed, keeping them on the move. But now the mice are disappearing, and the young queen...
Months have passed since Gregor first fell into the strange Underland beneath New York City, and he swears he will never go back. But he is destined to be a key player in another prophecy, this one about an ominous white rat called the Bane. The...
Harry Potter má pätnásť rokov a ide do piateho ročníka Rokfortskej strednej školy čarodejníckej. Na rozdiel od väčšiny školákov sa na letné prázdniny nikdy neteší, a toto leto je obzvlášť nepríjemné. Nielenže ho Dursleyovci...
Le jour de ses onze ans, Harry Potter, un orphelin élevé par un oncle et une tante qui le détestent, voit son existence bouleversée. Un géant vient le chercher pour l’emmener à Poudlard, une école de sorcellerie! Voler en balai, jeter des...