From School Library Journal
Grade 5–8. This fifth book about third-born children who must go into hiding to avoid elimination picks up where Among the Barons (S & S, 2003) ended. The ruthless head of the Population Police has taken over...
In a future where the law limits a family to only two children, third-born Luke has been in hiding for the entire twelve years of his life, until he enters boarding school under an assumed name and is forced to face his...
Ursula K. Le Gvina
Atuanas kapenes
No angļu valodas tulkojusi Zane Rozenberga
Noskannējis grāmatu un failu izveidojis Imants Ločmelis
Viņai ir atņemts viss — dzimtās mājas, ģimene un pat īstais...
Mihaels Ende
Bezgalīgais stāsts
Dari to, ko tu gribi, – tāds ir uzraksts uz Fantāzijas neierobežotās varas simbola. Taču to, ko šis teikums patiesībā nozīmē, Bastiāns uzzina tikai pēc ilgiem un piedzīvojumiem bagātiem...
The war between humanity and Faerie devastated both sides. Or so 15-year-old Liza has been told. Nothing has been seen or heard from Faerie since, and Liza’s world bears the scars of its encounter with magic. Trees move with sinister intention,...
Riks Riordans
Briesmoņu jūra
Lasi par jaunajiem galvu reibinošajiem Persija Džeksona piedzīvojumiem ilgi gaidītajā Zibens zagļa turpinājumā!
Persija Džeksona septītais mācību gads...
Those wicked wizards are back – and they've become very smart. (Sort of.) They intend to take over the Enchanted Forest once and for all . . . unless Cimorene finds a way to stop them. And some people think being queen is...