Tired of the boring and stereotypical life, Princess Cimorene escapes from a marriage with an empty-headed prince and goes to live with the dragons in the Mountains of Morning. Upon arrival, the spunky princess makes friends with her dragon,...
Tired of the boring and stereotypical life, Princess Cimorene escapes from a marriage with an empty-headed prince and goes to live with the dragons in the Mountains of Morning. Upon arrival, the spunky princess makes friends with her dragon,...
Deep Wizardry is about wizards Nita and her partner, Kit, working on their next assignment: underwater! Apparently whales and dolphins can also be wizards. The one recently put in charge, S’reee, now needs Nita and Kit’s help to perform The Song...
When the Empire died, they were born—a new hope for the New Republic. The young twins of Han Solo and Princess Leia have taken their first steps as Jedi Knights, defeating the evil minions of the Shadow Academy. Now, with their...
Roald Dahl, 1916-1990, war Mitarbeiter der Shell Company in Ostafrika, im Zweiten Weltkrieg Pilot bei der Royal Air Force. Er schrieb folgende Kinderbücher „Das riesengroße Krokodil", 1978; „Der fantastische Mr. Fox" (rotfuchs 615);...
Children’s Book.
Gru used to be one of the most villainous villains in the world. He and his army of Minions even stole the moon! But when he adopted Margo, Edith, and Agnes, Gru became a dad. Instead of stealing landmarks, he makes pancakes,...
Der Tiger irrte sich nicht. Ein Riesenkerl mit mächtigen Fäusten hatte den Säbelzahntiger am Genick gepackt und hielt ihn wie ein Kätzchen in die Höhe. Achr, einst stolzer Anführer eines Rudels gefährlicher...
When the Empire died, they were born—a new hope for the New Republic. The young twins of Han Solo and Princess Leia have taken their first steps as Jedi Knights, defeating the evil minions of the Shadow Academy. Now, with their...