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The Pram

The Pram

Автор: Хилл Джо
Год: 2023
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Following the miscarriage that derailed their happy-family plans, Willy and Marianne leave their Brooklyn apartment for a charming old home in rural Maine. They hope the change of scenery and lifestyle will help them heal. The surrounding land is so...
Demon's Reign

Demon's Reign

Серия: Bloodwood Saga #1
Год: 2022
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Tarkosi Terelta is a nobody. A nobody who will save his world from demons and the hellfire they bring. The third-born of a shamed family, Tarkosi's lot in life is to spend his days as a worker, feeding temperamental lancewings under a harsh master....
Последний Монтегье, части 1 - 3
Фантастика и Фэнтези

Последний Монтегье, части 1 - 3

Язык: русский
Год: 2023
Статус: Закончена
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Сначала Бог создал Землю. Отдохнул. Затем Бог создал Мужчину. Отдохнул. Затем Бог создал Женщину. Больше ни Бог ни Мужчина не...
Call of the Bone Ships

Call of the Bone Ships

Серия: Tide Child Trilogy #2
Год: 2020
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Dragons have returned to the Hundred Isles. But their return heralds only war and destruction. When a horde of dying slaves are discovered in the bowels of a ship, Shipwife Meas and the crew of the Tide Child find themselves drawn into a vicious...
Библиотека остросюжетной мистики. Выпуск 7. Страж. Полночь

Библиотека остросюжетной мистики. Выпуск 7. Страж. Полночь

Год: 1993
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Конвиц Дж. Страж. Руссо Дж. Полночь. («Библиотека остросюжетной мистики».) Вып. 7: Перев. с англ. / Сост. Т. Чичиной; Ил. В. Лосева— М.: Компания...
Tank Girl
Другая фантастика

Tank Girl

Год: 1995
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Tank Girl is a novelization of the 1995 film of the same name, written by Martin Millar. It is set in a drought-ravaged Australia, years after a catastrophic impact event, and follows the antihero Tank Girl as she, Jet Girl and genetically modified...