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Автор: Warner Ken
Серия: Mage Saga #4
Год: 2023
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Fifteen years have passed since Nyro's liberation, and neither the great necromancer nor Syllith, the mage she possessed, has been seen anywhere in Anoria. But when elves are spotted in several princedoms, Mira begins to worry it could be a prelude...


Автор: Warner Ken
Серия: Mage Saga #1
Год: 2021
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Necromancy has been forbidden in the Five Kingdoms for centuries, its secrets erased from existence... until now. High Prince Henry’s dark mage, Dredmort, has discovered a mythical artifact that will provide him with the power to unleash an...
Outlaw Mage

Outlaw Mage

Автор: Villoso K. S.
Серия: Dageian Puppetmaster #1
Год: 2023
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Despite Rosha's best efforts, she will never fit in. To her classmates, she is forever an outsider, a girl from the fringes of the empire just lucky enough to have well-off parents. To her teachers, she is either a charity case or an exception to...
Ведомый (СИ)

Ведомый (СИ)

Язык: русский
Статус: Закончена
полная версия

"Устал пахать от зари до зари? Коровье вымя натерло мозоли? Может хватит? Стань искателем! Искатели – герои, путешествующие в лабиринтах,...
Santa Claus Conquers the Homophobes
Ужасы, Фантасмагория, абсурдистская проза

Santa Claus Conquers the Homophobes

Серия: Santa Claus Chronicles #2
Год: 2011
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I wish I could hope to ever attain one-thousandth the perversity of Robert Devereaux's toenail clippings."-Poppy Z. Brite Santa Claus is back. And flying beside him is Wendy, his freshly minted stepdaughter, who can peer into the future of selected...
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Язык: русский
полная версия

Новый виток эволюции или вторжение инопланетных существ? Загадка, которую не могут разрешить уже на протяжении полувека. И главное, что...