«Dune» presenta gli indimenticabili ritratti di un’intera civiltà galattica, del suo profeta e del pianeta da cui partirà la crociata rinnovatrice contro una cultura feudale arroccata intorno ai suoi privilegi....
Set in the twenty-second century, the novel tells of a world where women are
once again property, denied civil rights and banned from public life. Earth’s
wealth depends on interplanetary commerce with alien races, and linguists — ...
Rocanon, kosmiczny etnograf prowadzący badania na zacofanej planecie, staje w obronie tubylców, których zaatakował galaktyczny wróg. Naukowa misja przekształca się w awanturniczą wyprawę, podczas...
While on holiday in Scotland, visiting a macabre tourist attraction, "The Dungeons of Edinburgh," a young Russian tourist is murdered. As the police grapple with the fact that the cause of the young man's death was a massive loss of blood, the...
Una raza de arañas de extraordinaria inteligencia, de arañas pensantes, lo había transformado en un nuevo Minotauro. El representaba la única —y la última— esperanza del género humano, y era indispensable...