As Montana Grant struggles to lead her late father's company, her estranged mother suddenly reappears, spouting nonsense about Mount Olympus, immortal warriors, and curses. But after an event that puts the company's future-and Montana's life at...
This novelisation of the Hit American Sci-fi show will be avaiable at the same time as the UK broadcast.Due to be broadcast on BBC late January this 20 TV mini-series got rave reveiws and great ratings when broadcast on the Sci-fi channel...
"Audubon in Atlantis", the first-published story in the series, set in 1843, focusing on John James Audubon's expedition to the continent/country of Atlantis. It takes place between The United States of Atlantis and Liberating...
Kali Parks is a shadow in the war between two factions that are fighting to gain control of Chicago. Born and raised on the streets, she stands as a silent sentinel at her brother’s side as he battles to gain control. She will do whatever it...
Weird shapes in the park? Odd rumbling noises in the basement? When you need to know what you're encountering, you need to know it fast - don't leave home without the Field Guide!
Paintings and Descriptions From the Cthulhu Mythos As Created by...
During a nostalgic visit to the docksides of his youth, Steve, an unassuming
import/export agent, steps into another universe, where buccaneers, demigods,
and mythic heroes...
As long as the people of Pern could remember, the Holds had protected them from Thread, the deadly silver strands that fell from the sky. In exchange for sanctuary in the huge stone fortresses, the people tithed to their Lord Holders, who in turn...