Cat’s Cradle, in which Vonnegut weaves a satirical commentary on modern man and his madness, is one of the author’s most highly praised novels. Filled with humor and unforgettable characters, this is the apocalyptic story of the end of the...
Having narrowly escaped death, Ambassador G'Kar knows he is a marked man. A rival family from his Narn homeland has taken the Blood Oath to kill him. Security Chief Garibaldi, Commander Susan Ivanova and Na'Toth journey to the Narn Homeworld and...
In the sequel to The Pool of Radiance, a shapeshifter cat, an undead ghost-knight, and the minions of the evil god, Bane, join the heroes of Phlan as their city is once again threatened....
For generations, the firstborn children of the rulers of the planet Rutan and the moon Senali have been exchanged at the age of seven. This was meant to promote peace and understanding between the societies. Now it has led them to the brink of...
Nobody knows her name. Nobody knows when she will strike. All they know is that she is a deadly bounty hunter — and her latest mission has taken her to Coruscant, home of the Jedi.Her target: an old friend of Qui-Gon Jinn's.Qui-Gon...
An evil scientist is imprisoning and torturing Jedi to find the secret behind the Force. She taps their emotions, monitors their actions…and then drains them of their blood.Qui-Gon Jinn is now her captive.Obi-Wan Kenobi is...
Murder. Kidnapping. Torture.Jenna Zan Arbor will stop at nothing in her quest to discover the secrets of the Force — and use them for her own power and greed. One Jedi remains in her dangerous grasp. And a whole planet is being held...
Six years ago, Qui-Gon Jinn and Tahl helped the people of the planet Apsolon choose their first free leader. It seemed that peace had arrived at last.Now the leader has been killed. His daughters have been kidnapped. And Qui-Gon and Tahl...