This ten-book series follows Grant Matson and others as they navigate through a partial collapse of society. Set in Washington State, this series depicts the conflicting worlds of preppers, those who don’t understand them, and those who fear and...
299 Days: The Stronghold, the fourth book in the 299 Days series, Grant Matson begins teaming up with others who will help the community of Pierce Point become a Patriot stronghold, ready to stand against government Loyalists, the Undecideds and...
From Chapter One to Chapter 299, this ten-book series follows Grant Matson and others as they navigate through a partial collapse of society. Set in Washington State, this series depicts the conflicting worlds of preppers, those who don't...
Jackson Aims forgot everything. Where he was, what he was doing, and just about everything else.
He found himself in a destroyed metropolis with thousands of others with the same condition.
In the years to come truths have...
Noninterference — The Survey Service was supposed to observe alien worlds, without any interference. Then, an expedition broke the rule and an entire planet was at risk! Kaleidoscope — Suppose a vampire was sent to catch Jack the Ripper?...
Noninterference — The Survey Service was supposed to observe alien worlds, without any interference. Then, an expedition broke the rule and an entire planet was at risk!...
Noninterference — The Survey Service was supposed to observe alien worlds, without any interference. Then, an expedition broke the rule and an entire planet was at risk!
Kaleidoscope — Suppose a vampire was sent to catch Jack the Ripper?...
Marty Volk has a guardian angel. For the past five years, since he was twelve years old, it has saved Marty whenever he’s been in danger. And from a single darkened glimpse one night on the streets of London, he thinks it’s his long-lost sister...
It's the dusk of the zombie apocalypse. What's left of mankind is huddled in the husks of the cities of the world. There are fewer of the walking dead, but they are just as dangerous as ever. After scientists come up with the brilliant idea of...
One thousand years after the Jupiter mission to explore the mysterious Monolith had been destroyed, after Dave Bowman was transformed into the Star Child, Frank Poole drifted in space, frozen and forgotten, leaving the supercomputer HAL...