Ten thrilling and intriguing tales of space travel, war, and alien encounters from multiple Hugo Award–winning Grand Master of Science Fiction Clifford D....
During a nostalgic visit to the docksides of his youth, Steve, an unassuming
import/export agent, steps into another universe, where buccaneers, demigods,
and mythic heroes...
When a bizarre string of locked-room murders terrorize New York, the police have no leads, no suspects, and only one place to turn. Now private detective Alex Lockerby will need every magical trick in his book to catch a killer who can walk through...
Wherein things that can’t happen and ought not to happen do happen...!
DASHIELL HAMMETT, in The Glass Key, The Maltese Falcon, etc., set a new standard for mystery stories. In the present selection he sets up a standard of excellence in...
This is the story of the ancient empire of Saramyr—an empire that rules over a land overwhelmed by evil. The evil comes from within the empire’s center: the Weavers, a sect of male magicians close to the throne, intent on killing any child born...
One of them was a huge, brawny, full-bearded barbarian from the northlands of Nehwon. His name was Fafhrd, his weapon a broadsword.
The other was a small, nimble man dressed all in gray. Men called him the Gray Mouser, and he carried both rapier...