Invasion: Alaska

Invasion: Alaska
Боевая фантастика
Автор: Heppner Vaughn
Серия: Invasion America #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2011
Добавил: Admin 27 Май 15
Проверил: Admin 27 Май 15
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The invasion of Alaska has begun. And the Third World War may not be far behind. In this controversial book, Vaughn Heppner explores the theme of a shattered America facing the onslaught of the new colossus in the East: Greater China.
The time is 2032, and the Chinese are crossing the polar ice and steaming through the Gulf of Alaska. They have conquered oil-rich Siberia and turned Japan into a satellite state. Now a new glacial period has begun, devastating the world’s food supply. China plans to corner the world’s oil market and buy the needed food for their hungry masses.
A weakened America uses old technology against the next generation of military hardware. The invasion unleashes the Hell of battle as two armies turn the snowfields of Alaska red with blood.
INVASION: ALASKA is a thundering techno-thriller of vast scope, written by bestselling author Vaughn Heppner.

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