The Land Leviathan

The Land Leviathan
Серия: Oswald Bastable #2
Язык: английский
Добавил: Admin 17 Сен 23
Проверил: Admin 17 Сен 23
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Out of a world in which events defy the laws of Space and Time comes Michael Moorcok's intriguing new science fiction novel - the fantastic tale of Oswald Bastable, a man trapped forever by Time. The desperation of Bastable's bizarre fate runs deep, for an unpredictable time warp thrusts him into strange worlds, all parallel to his own, and yet different. Throughout all this, Bastable can remain steadfast in his determination to reach his own time, because of his faith in one woman, inextricably bound to him in all dimensions of Time, and his belief in the existence of a secret Utopian citadel. But there is one thing that may have the power to come between Bastable and his goal-- a battle of Armageddon so horrifying in its believability that it almost obliterates his ability to keep searching.

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