Population has doubled within the last twenty years, leading to a living hell where poverty, crime, and claustrophobia rule. Those who can afford it, have withdrawn to the well-protected gated communities, while the police have left entire...
In her first novel since 2002, Nebula and Hugo award-winning author Connie Willis returns with a stunning, enormously entertaining novel of time travel, war, and the deeds—great and small—of ordinary people who shape history. In the hands of...
As in its predecessor, we are back in the Yorkshire town of Malbry, and in the company of a young man whose behaviour verges on the sociopathic. BB is in his 40s, still living with his mother and making his living with an unrewarding (in every...
When the government wields its power against its own people, every citizen becomes an enemy of the state. Will you fight the system, or be ground to dust beneath the boot of tyranny?
In his smash-hit anthologies Wastelands and The Living...
Oldess Hakslijs
Brīnišķīgā jaunā pasaule
Tālā nākotnē Pasaules Pārraugi beidzot ir radījuši ideālu sabiedrību. Tomēr Londonas Inkubatoru un apstrādes centra darbinieks Bernards Markss nejūtas laimīgs. Viņu māc...
Filips Pulmans
Triloģijas TUMŠĀS MATĒRIJAS otrā daļa
No angļu valodas tulkojusi Vanda Tomaševiča
Noskannējis grāmatu un failu izveidojis Imants Ločmelis
Vilam ir divpadsmit gadu, un zēns ir cieši...
From Robert Charles Wilson, the author of the Hugo-winning Spin, comes Burning Paradise, a new tale of humans coming to grips with a universe of implacable strangeness.
Cassie Klyne, nineteen years old, lives in the United States in the year...
En el siglo XXII, la humanidad lleva cuarenta años enfrentada a los “hwarhath”, unos extraños humanoides alienígenas con una organización social y sexual que abomina la heterosexualidad y que resulta, sin ninguna duda,...