“Are you there, Satan? It’s me, Madison,” declares the whip-tongued thirteen-year-old narrator of Damned, Chuck Palahniuk’s subversive new work of fiction. The daughter of a narcissistic film star and a billionaire, Madison is abandoned at...
On the alien, sunless planet they call Eden, the 532 members of the Family shelter beneath the light and warmth of the Forest's lantern trees. Beyond the Forest lie the mountains of the Snowy Dark and a cold so bitter and a night so profound that no...
A marooned outpost of humanity struggles to survive on a startlingly alien world: science fiction as it ought to be from British science fiction's great white hope.
You live in Eden.You are a member of the Family, one of 532 descendants of...
Once again, multi-award-winning editors Stephen Jones and David Sutton take you on a terrifying journey into the dark heart of modern horror fiction.
Firmly established as the world's premier horror anthology series, this latest volume is...
Ahuli arbeitet als Prostituierte in Moskau. Was ihre Kunden nicht ahnen: Sie ist ein Werwolf, der die Freier unter Hypnose ihre verwegensten Träume ausleben lässt – alleine. Eines Tages trifft Ahuli auf Alexander, an dem ihre...