A Most Anticipated Book of 2019 at The Verge, Barnes & Noble Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog, and more.
For readers of Station Eleven and Exit West, Famous Men Who Never Lived explores the effects of displacement on our identities, the communities...
In that precise, antiseptic, post-war society, thirteen hell-raising old space-warriors were as obsolete as brass knuckles in a debate... and somewhat more of a nuisance.
So brass-bands played, and brass-hats brayed... and a coffin ship left for...
Marks Elperts
Fināla teorija
Kolumbijas universitātes profesors Deivids Svifts tiek izsaukts uz slimnīcu, lai atvieglotu pēdējās stundas savam mentoram - fiziķim, kurš ticis nežēlīgi spīdzināts. Pirms nāves vecais vīrs...