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Houston, 2030: The Year Zero
Постапокалипсис, Социально-философская фантастика

Houston, 2030: The Year Zero

Язык: английский
Статус: Закончена
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It has been twenty-four years since the Peak Oil, and fourteen – since the world-wide economic collapse (and the Peak Everything.) No, there are no nuclear fall-outs and no zombies on the streets! The Civilization lives on. But: it is a very...
City at the end of time
Научная фантастика, Социально-философская фантастика

City at the end of time

Автор: Бир Грег
Язык: английский
Год: 2009
Статус: Закончена
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In a time like the present, in a world that may or may not be our own, three young people–Ginny, Jack, and Daniel–dream of a decadent, doomed city of the distant future: the Kalpa. But more than dreams link these three: They are fate-shifters,...