As the story opens, the narrator, who calls himself Snowman, is sleeping in a tree, wearing a dirty old bedsheet, mourning the loss of his beautiful and beloved Oryx and his best friend Crake, and slowly starving to death. In a world in which...
For the first time, the complete collected short stories of the author of 'Empire of the Sun', 'Cocaine Nights' and 'Super-Cannes' -- regarded by many as Britain's No. 1 living fiction writer. With sixteen novels over four decades -- from 'The...
Kepler had never meant to die this way — viciously beaten to death by a stinking vagrant in a dark back alley. But when reaching out to the murderer for salvation in those last dying moments, a sudden switch takes place.Now Kepler is looking out...
The Alpha Colony on Planet 7 was an artist's paradise; here, all his wants and needs would be taken care of, and John Carwell could compose as he wished. And all knew that this was part of a great project for humanity's future. But John couldn't...
In Deuce’s world, people earn the right to a name only if they survive their first fifteen years. By that point, each unnamed ‘brat’ has trained into one of three groups — Breeders, Builders, or Hunters, identifiable by the number of scars...
Returning to his hometown after a failed marriage, recovering alcoholic Tom Winter purchases a house only to discover that it connects with another time and place—and his desire to “start over” suddenly becomes a literal...
“A remarkable debut. Valencia writes with a sinuous maturity, a boldness of vision far beyond his years. In Lord of California, this beyond-seeing is literal: wild, impressive, at times menacing invention about what a separatist California might...
He was a fully grown man, alone in a dense forest, with no trail to show where he had come from and no memory to tell who—or what he was. His eyes were not human eyes. The forest people took him in and raised him almost as a child,...