Seeklight is the story of a quest for identity by Daenek, scion of an assassinated thane, or clan leader. The action occurs during some future time on an Earth-like “seed planet,” to which human genetic material, or seed, was transported while...
Patton Larsen has endured an unimaginable personal tragedy. After suffering through two years of emotional agony, Patton is now headed on a train to a town, built on the Utah-Idaho border, to become one of thirty-thousand Americans to participate in...
Inception, writer-director Christopher Nolan’s seventh feature film, joins the epic scope of The Dark Knight with the narrative sophistication of Memento. The story of a group of thieves who specialize in invading the mind through one’s dreams,...
At eighteen, Ben is in the world, but not of it. He is too large, too awkward, too inhumanly made. Now estranged from his family, he must find his own path in life. From London and the south of France to Brazil and the mountains of the Andes. Ben is...
The main characters unite the series of novels, which are not connected with each other. Each of them doesn't belong to his world both literally and in a figurative...
“Riot Baby bursts at the seams of story with so much fire, passion and power that in the end it turns what we call a narrative into something different altogether.”
—Marlon James
Ella has a Thing. She sees a classmate grow up to...