Congratulations on finding out about this book. I am writing this book to help beginners learn Java programming effectively and with plenty of fun.
The book is designed to simplify the complexity and guide the learner to explore and discover things under the hood. I hope the instructions inside this book are intuitive enough for beginners to follow through with hands- on practice.
Having a good foundation of math skills is undoubtedly super powerful when learning programming. In the meantime, it is a good opportunity to practice mathematical problem solving when you study programming.
With this motivation, I have included some math practice problems applicable to programming-related concepts.
The more practice you do, the more effectively you will be able to produce results. It requires intensive and extensive problem solving exercises for anyone to master coding skills. In this book, I have included quite a few interesting coding problems for practice. I hope you will have an enjoyable learning experience. Source Code for this book is accessible via the Download Source Code button located at www.apress.com/9781484252086.
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