The book tells the timeless story of war, in this case a conflict between humanity and the alien Taurans. Humans first bumped heads with the Taurans when we began using collapsars to travel the stars. Although the collapsars provide nearly...
First published in 1949, this is the story of John Gordon, a World War II veteran having a hard time adjusting to life in an insurance company. One night, he is telepathically contacted by a man named Zarth Arn, who says that he is calling from...
Why? The most frequently asked question of them all. Why did you write the Night's Dawn?Personally I think it's the polite way of asking: what the hell were you thinking...
The "rousing military adventure"(Locus) continues with a brand-new Valor novel. Former Marine Gunnery Sergeant Torin Kerr is attempting to build a new life with salvage operator Craig Ryder on his ship, the Promise. Turns out civilian life is a...
Victor Koman, three-time Prometheus Award-winning author of Kings of the High Frontier, finally releases his long-suppressed first novel. Based on his Galaxy Magazine short story, Death's Dimensions tells the tale of a stunningly unusual and...
When John Bravais was sent on a secret mission to observe a war in North Africa he found out more than it was safe for him to know - even after he had secretly been surgically transformed so that he was as strong as a Bolo tank, and nearly as tough:...
Because Bron Hoddan was a serious electronics engineer, he didn’t want any part of his particular planetary heritage. For he was from Zan - and Zan’s only occupation was space-ship piracy!. So Bron went to Walden, the most civilized planet of...
In this sequel to last year's well-received Deepsix, McDevitt tells a curiously old-fashioned tale of interstellar adventure. Reminiscent of Arthur C. Clarke's Rendezvous with Rama, the story sends veteran space pilot Priscilla «Hutch» Hutchins...