Something made a civilization vanish. Now it's coming for the crew of the Pioneer.
Malick and the crew of the Pioneer embark on a new adventure to solve the mystery of the 'domes'. These strange shrines make it possible to travel vast distances across Sworld instantly and may offer a way home. Their quest leads them to an abandoned civilization. Its citizens are gone and have left no clues why they left of where they went. The capital of this once thriving society is meticulously maintained by sentient robots who offer little insight.
Something happened in Arachana that led to the disappearance of an entire species. As Malick and the crew attempt to find answers, they are drawn deeper into the strange bio-mechanical heart of the city. When Malick vanishes and the robots suddenly turn against them, can the team put the pieces together before they are trapped in Arachana forever?
Buy Arachana today and join the epic journey of danger, discovery, and adventure!
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