The series is set one-hundred-plus years into an interstellar war between two different human cultures, the Alliance and the Syndics. The protagonist of the story is discovered floating in a suspended animation escape pod one-hundred years after...
Ian McDonald’s new tale, which begins with a passionate love story and takes us to the end of the universe and beyond, is set against the same background as his 1995 novel Terminal Café (Bantam). The author’s latest SF novel, Kirinya, is just...
Deep freeze
Trapped on a planet being consumed by a runaway ice age, Colonel Sheppard and his team discover a people — and a mystery — long disregarded by the Ancients.
With the Stargate inoperable and their Puddle Jumper damaged, there...
They are bold, daring, reliable… and doomed.
The salvage marines of Tango Platoon have gone up against everything from space pirates and resistance fighters to savage mutants and the heavily armed elite troopers of Helion Corporation. By all...
Colonel John Sheppard knows it's going to be a bad day when he wakes up in a downed Jumper with a head wound and no memory of how he got there.
Things don't get any better.
Concussed, far from the Stargate, and with his only remaining team...
The Algeans have been found by the Empire and they are searching for an answer to the orange pods being harvested by the Black Ships. If they are successful in finding a way to kill the pods, then the main tool of destruction used by the Invaders...
After a routine job goes sideways, interplanetary smuggler Jack Kind and his crew are forced into a deal with a dangerous politician transporting cargo from a military installation to a drop-off near the sun. It stinks like a setup, and may be...
Victor Koman, three-time Prometheus Award-winning author of Kings of the High Frontier, finally releases his long-suppressed first novel. Based on his Galaxy Magazine short story, Death's Dimensions tells the tale of a stunningly unusual and...
Deepsix is concerned with the motivating force that drives all scientists-the quest for truth, for expanding the limits of human knowledge. How much are we willing to risk for that moment of discovery, of knowing what no other soul yet knows? Our...