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The Uplift War
Космическая фантастика

The Uplift War

Автор: Brin David
Серия: Uplift
Язык: английский
Год: 1987
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Billions of years ago, an alien race known as the Progenitors began the genetically engineered techniques by which non-intelligent creatures are given intelligence by one of the higher races in the galaxy. Once “Uplifted, these creature must...
Norstrilia [= The Planet Buyer aka The Boy Who Bought Old Earth + The Underpeople]
Космическая фантастика

Norstrilia [= The Planet Buyer aka The Boy Who Bought Old Earth + The Underpeople]

Язык: английский
Год: 1975
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The discovery of stroon, a drug that confers near immortality on humans, has made Old North Australia rich, so rich that, when Rod McBan has to flee the planet because someone wants him dead, he buys the Earth. Cordwainer Smith is pen name...
Line War
Космическая фантастика

Line War

Автор: Эшер Нил
Серия: Agent Cormac #5
Язык: английский
Год: 2008
полная версия

The Polity is under attack from a melded AI entity with control of the lethal Jain technology, yet the attack seems to have no coherence. When one of Erebuss wormships kills millions on the world of Klurhammon, a high-tech agricultural world...