When she and her crew are ambushed and taken captive aboard an enemy ship, Honor Harrington finds herself bound for the planet prison named "Hell" and scheduled for execution, forcing Honor to plot the most adventurous escape of her...
Unleash the Fury!Zhikotse. Shallingsport. Louvain. Sacred fields of battle on far-flung worlds where warriors of the Imperial Cadre spent blood and lives defending human civilization. Alicia DeVries was there; she led the charge. Her reward?...
Unleash the Fury!Zhikotse. Shallingsport. Louvain. Sacred fields of battle on far-flung worlds where warriors of the Imperial Cadre spent blood and lives defending human civilization. Alicia DeVries was there; she led the charge. Her reward?...
It’s a big Spiral Arm, and the scarred man, Donavan buigh, has gone missing in
it, upsetting the harper Mearana’s plans for a reconciliation between her
parents. Bridget ban, a Hound of the League, is unconvinced that reconciliation
is either...
2019: NASA astronaut Nigel Walmsley is sent on a mission to intercept a rogue asteroid on a collision course with Earth. Ordered to destroy the comet, he discovers that it is actually the shell of a derelict space probe—a wreck with just enough...
The long-awaited new novel from Hugo Award-winning writer Greg Egan! The Amalgam spans nearly the entire galaxy, and is composed of innumerable beings from a wild variety of races, some human, some near-human, and some entirely other. The one place...
Enter your cat. Win the contest. Save the universe.
Five-year-old Jamie Anderson has something to prove. He knows his cat, Jelly, is one in a million and has what it takes to win.
In 2117, the search is on for the first feline in space.