Priscilla "Hutch" Hutchinson's fifth adventure opens with the former starship pilot deskbound at the Academy (the twenty-third-century equivalent of NASA), which is facing catastrophic cuts to the space program. In a media campaign...
The year is 2081.
Earth is recovering from a devastating nuclear war.
An age of technological advancement.
A find at the bottom of the Ocean.
A man driven by a dream.
The time for humanity to reach to the stars is now.
A find...
Having mastered the big, sprawling adventure stories called space opera in books like Chindi, McDevitt extends the form in this feel-good SF novel that earns its hopeful conclusion. Priscilla «Hutch» Hutchens, heroine of several of McDevitt's...
Having mastered the big, sprawling adventure stories called space opera in books like Chindi, McDevitt extends the form in this feel-good SF novel that earns its hopeful conclusion. Priscilla «Hutch» Hutchens, heroine of several of McDevitt's...
The secret war among the Shadows of the Name is escalating, and there are
hints that it is not so secret as the Shadows had thought. The scarred man,
Donovan buigh, half honored guest and half prisoner, is carried deeper into
the Confederation, all...