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Pet Rocks
Космическая фантастика, Малые литературные формы прозы

Pet Rocks

Автор: Хауи Хью
Серия: Beacon 23 #2
Язык: английский
Год: 2015
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It’s been a week since the cargo ship was lost on my watch. A week with very little sleep and not much appetite. Now the bio scanner is picking up some sign of life out there in the wreckage, and it’s my duty to go see what it is. Maybe I’m...
Polity Agent
Космическая фантастика

Polity Agent

Автор: Эшер Нил
Серия: Agent Cormac #4
Язык: английский
Год: 2006
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From eight hundred years in the future, a runcible gate is opened into the Polity and those coming through it have been sent specially to take the alien maker back to its home civilization in the Small Magellanic cloud. Once these refugees are...
Polity Agent
Космическая фантастика

Polity Agent

Автор: Asher Neal
Серия: Agent Cormac #4
Язык: английский
Год: 2006
полная версия

From eight hundred years in the future, a runcible gate is opened into the Polity and those coming through it have been sent specially to take the alien maker back to its home civilization in the Small Magellanic cloud. Once these refugees are...
Космическая фантастика


Автор: Бова Бен
Серия: Grand Tour #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2005
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Two hundred thousand feet up, things go horribly wrong. The experimental low-orbit spaceplane Astro falls to Earth over a trail hundreds of miles long. In the wake of this disaster is the beginning of the most important mission in the history of...