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Космическая фантастика


Автор: Бова Бен
Серия: Grand Tour
Язык: английский
Год: 1993
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Jamie Waterman, a Native American geologist, is chosen at the last minute for the first manned exploration of the planet Mars. On touchdown, he is so overwhelmed with the emotion of the moment that he utters a Navajo phrase instead of the...
Anvil of Stars
Космическая фантастика

Anvil of Stars

Автор: Bear Greg
Серия: Forge of God #1
Язык: английский
Год: 1992
Статус: Закончена
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The Ship of Law was made of the fragments of Earth's corpse, a world in itself, cruising massively close to the speed of light, hundreds of years from the dust and rubble of home... And aboard were 82 mortal exiles sworn to find and punish the...
The Skinner
Космическая фантастика

The Skinner

Автор: Эшер Нил
Серия: Spatterjay #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2002
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Welcome to Spatterjay…where sudden death is the normal way of life; To the remote planet Spatterjay come three travellers with very different missions. Janer is directed there by the hornet Hive-mind; Erlin comes to find the sea captain who...